Sunday, March 23, 2008

Getting Old....

We just got back from our first family vacation. While I have alot to write about it, I am going to start with this quick entry tonight.

Last year, I realized it was TEN years ago that I started college at UNCW. This year I turn 30 and as my husband likes to point out to me I am a mother of two. It seems like yesterday I was at Clarence Fosters at Wrightsville Beach (side note it no longer exists!) or drinking Ernesto and Julio (yes we had very expensive taste in wine :) ) with my ADPI girls. We actually drank so much of this wine Courtney Kilpatrick suggested if I had boy twins I should name them Ernest and Julio. Now I enjoy getting in bed at 9 and reading because it's quiet. I have to plan in advance to go out and it actually becomes an "event". Patty refers to as girls night out (GNO). I think we need to change it to MNO....moms night out!

Well, while on vacation with my husband last week we were reminded of just how old we are becoming. As many of you know we spent four whole days by ourselves at Disney while my in laws kept the twins. One night before dinner we bought drinks before going to dinner. We asked a girl (maybe in her early 20s?) to take a picture of his us with our drinks. Bob said something like we want to prove we are drinking.....she said oh my parents do the same thing! What????? Do we really look and act that old....

And to think I thought I was a "hip working mom"....


The Tieman Family Experience said...

Oh, you should have definately gotten "tropical" on that waitress! Right now I am in shock...are we REALLY that old?? And, no way, was it 10 years ago that our "careers" at the Dub began??

I'm right there with you on the 9:00 bedtime, except there is no reading going on at my house...just sleeping!

I really can't get over the waitress. I am HIGHLY offended...and feeling very old.

Christian and Lily's Mommy said...

There is NOTHING wrong with going to bed at long as you save up for ONE LATE NIGHT with your girlfriends a month. That is my rule :)

Isn't it funny how times have changed?