Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Still Sick...Are You Kidding Me?

We are now going on a month of the girls being sick. Their poor noses are constantly running and they have snot on their face, in their hair, basically everywhere! At night Madison coughs so badly if you didn't know it you would think she has smoked for the past 40 years!

So we headed back to the doctor today. Turns out the amoxicilian didn't work and the girls still have ear infections. The doctor put them on a stronger antibiotic and gave them cough medicine. Yes, I know and my doctor knows they took cough medicine off the market for babies under two years of age. But, like he told us, he and many other doctors and parents have been giving it to babies for years. And believe me doctors use drugs for things and at doses "they aren't suppose to".

Oh and for all my fellow drug reps, Dr. Horgor said the antibiotic will continue to work even after they finish taking it because it has a long half life :)

1 comment:

Christian and Lily's Mommy said...

You guys gotta do what you gotta do to get those girls well. There is NOTHING wrong with coking up your kids so they (and you) can get a good night's sleep :)